MYM #010: Simplifying Wealth Building with Index Investing

Aug 21, 2023

In this edition, we're setting our sights on a financial strategy that could transform the way you think about wealth building. 

Get ready to discover the power of index investing, a simple and straightforward approach that has the potential to make a significant impact on your financial journey.

Why should you pay attention to index investing? 

It's the key to potentially capturing market trends and opportunities while sidestepping the pitfalls of individual stock selection or the complexities of actively managed funds.

Picture this: you're working hard to secure your financial future, but the clutter of overwhelming choices can lead to confusion and even missed opportunities. 

Most people stumble because they lack a clear roadmap. They might chase high-flying stocks or rely on pricey funds, often ending up disappointed with lackluster results.

It doesn't have to be this way. 

We believe the magic lies in simplicity. Lets dive in, because we're about to reveal the secret to financial growth that's both efficient and effective.

Here's what we're going to talk about:

  1. Index Investing's Advantages
  2. Expense Ratio Fees Matter
  3. Embracing Time



Index Investing's Advantages

The stock market, a bustling landscape of opportunities, can be both thrilling and intimidating. How can you harness its potential without getting lost in the frenzy of stock picking or high-stakes fund management? 

The answer: index investing.

Index investing allows you to ride the wave of the entire market, capturing broad trends and potential opportunities while avoiding the rollercoaster of individual stock selection. 

You're not placing all your bets on a single horse; instead, you're spreading your chances across a diversified portfolio. Here’s a look at the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) holdings.



By purchasing this one ETF you’re investing in stocks representing 500 of the largest US companies. 

Think about it – if one company's stock takes a dip, your portfolio doesn't plummet because you're not solely invested in that one company. Your financial destiny isn't tied to the success or failure of a handful of stocks. 

But what about those tempting stories of striking it big with a single stock? 

Sure, it can happen, but it's like chasing rainbows. 

For every tale of triumph, there's a multitude of untold stories of disappointment. The truth is, many professional portfolio managers and individuals struggle to consistently outperform the market over the long haul.

Enter Warren Buffet’s $1,000,000 bet. 

In 2008, Warren Buffett challenged the hedge fund industry's high fees, active management, and complex strategies. 

The result? 

From 2008 through 2016, an S&P 500 index fund triumphed over a hand-picked hedge fund portfolio. Outperforming the hedge fund average cumulative return 22% v. 85.4%. Showcasing the potential of index investing's simplicity to capture broad market trends and opportunities while minimizing risk.



This fascinating story teaches us that while the allure of active investing can be tempting, index investing can offer a clear advantage at a more efficient cost.

Buffett's victory illustrates that by embracing a strategy focused on capturing market trends you can pave the way for potential growth without exposing yourself to the risks of complex fund management.

Index investing can provide a stable foundation for your financial aspirations. It's a disciplined approach that isn't swayed by market hype, offering you a steady, diversified path to potential growth. 

You can say goodbye to the sleepless nights of stock watch and welcome the confidence that comes with a well-rounded investment strategy.



Expense Ratio Fees Matter

Let's look into a real-world example that drives home the significance of expense ratio fees in your wealth-building journey. 

An expense ratio is a fee expressed as a percentage that you pay annually to a fund company to buy investments on your behalf. This cost typically covers portfolio management, administration, marketing, and distribution, among other expenses.

These expense ratio fees can be as low as 0.02% to more than 1.5%. 

Imagine you have two friends, Alex and Bailey, each invested $10,000. Alex chooses an actively managed fund with a 0.82% expense ratio, while Bailey opts for an index fund with a mere 0.08% expense ratio.

Fast forward a couple of decades. As they review their investment performance, something remarkable could becomes clear. 

Despite starting with the same amount, Bailey's investment will significantly outpaced Alex's if the gross return is the same. 

Why? The culprit is the power of compounding and the drag of expense ratio fees. Even though 0.82% might not seem like much, it can eat away at your returns over time.

Here's where the numbers truly shine: if both Alex and Bailey's investments grow at the same average rate of 7% annually, after 30 years, Alex's portfolio would be worth around $14,000 less than Bailey's. 


(Source: NerdWallet)

That's the undeniable impact of fees on your financial future.

A study by Morningstar revealed that, over a 10-year period, the average asset-weighted expense ratio for U.S. equity index funds and ETFs was around 0.08%, significantly lower than the average 0.82% for actively managed U.S. equity funds.

The takeaway is crystal clear: the expense ratio fees you pay for your investments matter – not just today, but in the long run. 

By opting for low-cost index funds and ETFs, you're setting the stage for your money to work harder and grow more efficiently over time. 

It's a small change that can lead to substantial results, as demonstrated by the tale of Alex and Bailey.



Embracing Time

When it comes to wealth building, think of it as a marathon rather than a sprint. The journey to financial independence hinges on smart strategies that stand the test of time. 

The stock market as a dynamic landscape with companies rising and falling like the tides. 

Predicting which ones will skyrocket and which will fizzle out is a daunting task, even for the most seasoned experts. This is where the magic of indexing and diversification come into play again.

Consider some of the largest companies in the world back in 2000. Names like Nokia, General Electric, and Cisco dominated the rankings. 

Fast forward to today, and the landscape has dramatically transformed. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon reign supreme. 

Only one company that was ranked in the top 10 in 2000 remains today.



This shift exemplifies the volatility of the market and the difficulty in forecasting winners and losers.

Indexing provides an elegant solution – instead of trying to predict the unpredictable, you're investing in the entire market. By diversifying across a broad range of companies, industries, and sectors, you're letting the winners naturally rise to the top. 

Even if some companies stumble, the collective strength of the market ensures your investments continue to grow over time.

If you do this for a long enough time and as your investments appreciate, they generate returns that themselves earn returns. 

Over the long haul, this snowball effect can lead to exponential growth. By harnessing the power of compounding through index investing, you're giving yourself the best shot at cultivating a resilient, wealth-building strategy that stands strong through market fluctuations.




As we wrap up our exploration of index investing, remember this: the journey toward financial independence is a dynamic endeavor that requires both insight and action. 

The power of index investing lies in its ability to provide a clear, disciplined path forward, where simplicity and steady growth take center stage. 

By embracing the principles of capturing market trends, minimizing fees, and harnessing the magic of time, you're not just investing – you're laying the foundation for a future of financial empowerment.



Actionable Tip: 

This week, take a proactive step towards building your wealth through index investing. 

If you’re already a personal client of Opulus, we’ve got you covered.

If not, start by reviewing your investment portfolio and identifying any high-fee funds. Consider reallocating a portion of those funds into low-cost index funds or ETFs. 

Remember, every dollar saved in fees is a dollar that can contribute to your long-term growth. 

By taking this small yet impactful action, you're putting the principles we've explored into practice and setting yourself on a course toward financial success.



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways we can help:

1. The Master Your Money System: Uncover the secrets to automating your finances with our comprehensive video course. Learn the strategies we use for our millionaire clients to make the most of every dollar.

2. Join Our Private Client Group: If you're in your 30s or 40s, earning a solid income, and seeking financial freedom, let's collaborate. Delegate the financial complexities to us, and focus on what matters most – your family and career.


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

1. Join The Newsletter: Join 600+ readers every Monday morning, you'll get 1 actionable tip to turn our financial insights into action, making a secure and fulfilling financial future not just a dream, but a reality.

2. Opulus Method Digital Course: Join 350+ students inside the Opulus Method. In just 90 minutes, Opulus Method delivers a system to secure your financial freedom without sacrificing your lifestyle.

3. Join Opulus As A Client: We'll partner with you directly to create a personal financial strategy and investment plan to secure your financial future. Let us handle the complex details. Go ahead and enjoy your life.